Monday, August 4, 2008

An Open Letter to the Idiot on the Train

I'm pretty sure you thought you were being funny when you made the comment about "some ladies" who would have trouble getting up the stairs on the train. You know, the ones you referred to as "large and in charge." Very original; what a deep thinker you must be!

The actuality is, you're just rude. I have no doubt that you've been thinking like that since you were a young man. Fine, think what you want. But you really don't have to let everything that crowds your tiny disgusting mind come out of your huge disgusting mouth. Any idea how many MEN might have that same problem you pointed out? Or how about people with bad knees, or hips, or feet? They too might have difficulty with stairs. Oh, wait, you only meant heavy people--or more specifically, heavy women--because the stairway was narrow. Hmm. Well, it looked to me like everyone on that train was having issues with it--including you. But that didn't stop you from running that big mouth of yours!

I wish I'd been faster on my feet that night. I might have told you that I wish I could be more like you, because it must be nice to be so close to perfection that you can say rude, insensitive, unkind things to a perfect stranger about other perfect strangers, and feel no twinge of conscience whatsoever. I wish I'd told you off completely, instead of just saying "That's not nice," for fear of being rude myself. The young lady sitting next to me was very upset by your attitude and your comments. Hope you're pleased with yourself!

I don't suppose you have any idea how many people's feelings you stomped all over being a jackass that night, nor do I suppose you care. But I just thought you should know that not everyone thinks you're funny. Some of us think you're just pathetic.

1 comment:

Jennifer Brown said...

Some people just don't get it, do they? Ah well, karma has a way of smacking them upside the head eventually. ...Did you say "train"? Where were you going?