Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Who says it's not my job?

The last few days have been pretty lazy days. I did manage to get all my Christmas decorations boxed up, and His Nibs and Daredevil put it all in the attic. And it's not even Groundhog Day yet, much less St. Patrick's Day! Woo-hoo!

I tinkered around with some piano scales the other day too. Spent about fifteen minutes on it, which isn't stellar, but it's been the better part of a year since I even touched the piano except to dust it, and even that doesn't get done often, although it does happen more frequently than once a year. I'm not that lazy! Oh, and I mopped my kitchen floor too.

I love a feeling of accomplishment, don't you?

I think Monster Cat loves it too, although she's a lot less self-congratulatory about it. I got to watch her patiently wait out that mouse yesterday morning. It was kind of funny to see. The mouse dashed out, saw her, dashed back, repeated this a time or two, and before I knew it, there was Monster with her trophy. Naturally, she didn't kill it right off. Like most mousers, Monster plays with her food. Totally freaked Daredevil out. I guess he'd never seen a cat do this before. I told him the story of the cat I had as a kid, which cat once put his paw down on a mouse's tail and anchored it there, while the poor mouse struggled to escape. Didn't go well for that mouse. I'm not sure Daredevil believed me, but I swear I didn't make that up.

Monster's mouse got a reprieve when she released it, but this morning guess what I got to scoop up and discard? I should have made Daredevil do it.

Ever think about the division of labor in your house and who gets to do what icky jobs? His Nibs is in charge of spider eradication. If a creature has more than four legs, I avoid it like the plague. (Ditto for those with no legs at all, but so far I haven't seen any of them in my house, thank God.) I could get rid of spiders if I absolutely had to, but it would require six cans of Raid and the subsequent evacuation of any living thing in the house with four legs or fewer. Spider Duty is clearly listed on His Nibs' portion of the contract. In ink.

I, on the other hand, get Grossness Duty. When the dog came in after rolling in something foul, I was the one who had to give him a shower (yes, you read that right--no bathtub at the moment, which is probably another blog someday). When the cat favors us with a hairball (or a dead mouse), I'm the one who gets to clean up the mess. Toilet need scrubbing? I'm there. Kid cuts his arm half off breaking a window? Not only did I get to mop up, but I also got to stand around and watch the ER doctor stitch him up. (That might have fallen into the category of a Bad Day.) Kitchen floor sticky with spills where someone opened a bottle of cream soda too quickly and it sprayed all over creation? Hand me the mop; I'll take care of it. I will give His Nibs points for sharing diaper chores back in the day.

I don't really mind doing yucky jobs. Someone has to, and if I want the house to be habitable, it might as well be me. I take care of backyard land mines, unspeakably disgusting results of a kid getting hit with stomach issues in the middle of the night, litter boxes, and mysterious spots on the walls of my kitchen. (I don't even want to know what those are. I just want them gone.) I wash dishes (by hand), clothes that have not seen the washing machine in three weeks but have been worn so often they've developed a personality all their own, shoes that have accumulated mud and who knows what else, spots on the carpet where someone got careless with food or drink (usually something far, far in color from that of the carpet) or where the aforementioned shoe accumulations have been tracked, and black prints over the doorways where Daredevil felt the need to grab onto the top of the frame and do chin-ups. It never ends.

But I've decided to start sharing the wealth. Why should His Nibs and I have all the fun? It's cold here, and I'm sure Monster Cat will provide some sort of Mouse Disposal Initiation for Daredevil before too long. Now all I have to do is think of something equally dastardly for Drama Princess. She's been complaining of boredom lately.

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